Would members please also visit the Members Area regularly for updates using the password that can be found on their Membership Card.
The Members Area password will change on the 1st May each year.
New Orchard Place Farm Fishery, Near Paddock Wood
The Club has been successful in obtaining the rights to fish Lakes 5,6 or 10 on weekdays only. This is for one rod/pole only. The lakes are the Fishery’s match lakes so there are a good stock of fish in all three lakes. Please report to the office before fishing. The Fishery’s website is being updated at the present time. The address is on our still waters section of the website.
Two additional stretches of river fishing available to members
07/06/2023 We are pleased to announce that the DAAC has regained two stretches of river we previously had the fishing rights for but lost around 2003. The first is a single bank stretch of the Medway downstream of Balls Green, Withyham and the second is a single bank stretch of the Eridge Stream downstream of Ham Bridge. Members can view a map showing details by visiting the Members Page of this website. We hope to announce the acquisition of another stretch of the Medway shortly.
AGM 15th March 2023
This year’s AGM will be held in The Long room at The Junction Inn, Groombridge on 15th March 2023. The room is available from 7.30 pm and we will look to start the meeting at 8pm. We would love to see you there as a new or existing member.
Fur n Feather Match details
Please be advised that the date for this match on the Bottom Lake at Burrswood is now Sunday 29th January 2023.
27/04/2022 Could members kindly take all litter home with them after fishing (as stated in Rule 9 (c)). A couple of empty cans of sweetcorn and other litter has been found in the bushes on the bank behind the swims opposite the road on the Bottom Lake at Burrswood. The Secretary fished peg 23 at the weekend and noticed a rather foul smell. It turned out that someone had needed a number 2 behind a large tree adjacent to the swim. If this course of action is required please make sure it is cleared up and removed to a suitable bin.
Birds of Prey
18/03/2022 Buzzards and Sparrow Hawks are regularly seen by DAAC members at Burrswood but more recently Red Kites have also appeared. On Wednesday this week 3 Buzzards circling near the Bottom Lake were joined by 3 Red Kites and yesterday a single Red Kite was seen near the Top Lake. Red Kites have also been seen in the vicinity of the Eridge Stream. Unfortunately unwanted birds have also been seen, 5 Cormorants were on the Bottom Lake early last Sunday morning.
Storm damage
21/02/2022 The storms over the past few days have resulted in trees coming down at Burrswwod. Four trees have fallen at the Bottom Lake, two of them in the lake, and another across the drive near the Top Lake. This has now been cleared.
Updated RFA Rules
11/01/2022 Would members please note that updated Rules have been issued to all member clubs by the RFA. The latest version of the Rules can be viewed/downloaded by going to the RFA page on this website.
Rare sighting at Burrswood Bottom Lake
07/01/2022 Members will be used to seeing our regular visiting water birds when fishing the Bottom Lake (Heron, Mallard, Kingfisher and Grey Wagtail) but yesterday our Chairman Martin Simmons reported seeing a pair of Goosander. These birds would normally be found on large open waters such as reservoirs so this is quite unusual. It’s nice to see them but hopefully not too often as they devour a lot of fish!
An important date for your 2022 diary.
The 2022 Annual General meeting will be held at 8.00pm on Monday the 14th March. The venue this year is the Club Room, Groombridge Village Hall, Station Road, Groombridge. The importance of this meeting cannot be emphasised enough as its two years since an AGM has been held and new club officers will need to be elected this year. Members will receive a further notification and reminder towards the end of February.
Changes to waters at Newenden
22/10/2021 Would members please refer to the RFA page and maps for latest information on where members may fish at Newenden.
Important notice for members.
08/10/2021 Please note that work to extend the car park at Burrswood Bottom Lake will commence on Monday the 25th October and is expected to have been completed by the 29th October. During this period the car park will be closed.
Match venue change
02/08/2021 Would members please note that there has been a change in venue for the match scheduled for Sunday the 29th August. This match was to have taken place at Renhurst Farm Lake but due to ongoing problems with Duckweed and absence of fish the match has now been moved to Burrswood Top Lake. The club are still trying to engage with the EA to determine what the problems are with Renhurst Farm Lake. The EA are going to net the lake and undertake further water quality testing but have not been able to provide the club with a date for doing this yet.
Rare Burrswood sighting
23/07/2021 Our members are used to seeing many species of birds at Burrswood whilst fishing including Herons, Kingfishers, Grey Wagtails, Woodpeckers, Buzzards and Sparrow Hawks, but participants at last Wednesday’s evening match were treated to a sight not seen before when a Stork appeared and landed in a tree at the Bottom Lake.
East Sussex Fire and Rescue Safety Leaflet
24/06/2021 Following a recent tragic incident locally resulting in an angler loosing their life, East Sussex Fire and Rescue have produced an angling safety leaflet that they have asked local angling organisations to add to their websites. Because of its importance the link to the leaflet can be found on the Home Page of this website.
Gates & combination locks.
16/06/2021 All members should have been advised that a gate is to be installed at Burrswood Bottom Lake later this week that will have a combination lock. A combination lock will also be fitted to the gate at the entrance to the parking area for the smaller lake at Ticehurst House. If you haven’t for some reason been advised of the combination locks code numbers this information can be found on the Members Area page of this website.
MP and DAAC Vice President Greg Clark visits Eridge Stream.
14/06/2021 On Friday 11th June our Vice President Greg Clark visited the Eridge Stream to see the gravel spawning beds that were introduced last year. Greg asked many questions about the improvements and history of the stream and is keen to be involved further when a proposed meeting between the EA, DAAC and representatives of the other clubs that fish the stream is held. The EA will be carrying out fish surveys later this week, the first that have been held on the DAAC’s stretch.
Pictured left to right are Ben Lord, EA Catchment Co-ordinator for the Medway, Andrew Brough (EA Fisheries Officer), Keith Grose (DAAC Secretary) and DAAC Vice President Greg Clark MP. Also present was Sally Harvey, EA Area Director and Rachel Godfrey, Greg Clark’s Constituency Manager.

Bait discount available to DAAC members
28/05/2021 DACC members can obtain a 10% discount on bait purchased from Evolved Baits, visit Members Area for further details.
MP and DAAC Vice President Nus Ghani visits Eridge Stream
23/05/2021 Earlier this month DAAC Vice President and Wealden MP Nus Ghani was invited by the EA to visit the Eridge Stream to see the habitat improvement work carried out by the DAAC, EA and Wild Trout Trust. Senior representatives from the EA together with the EA’s Upper Medway Fisheries Officer Andrew Brough and landowner and DAAC Vice President Hugh Gibson also attended. Below is a link to a report on Nus Ghani’s website.
An article on this project written for the Countryman’s Weekly can be viewed via the link that can be found further down this page.
Fred Stillwell
20/05/2021 We regret having to inform members that Life Member and previous committee member Fred Stillwell passed away on May the 19th. Fred was 85. He was a hard working member of the committee for many years. Our thoughts are with his wife Kath and the family.
New swims & parking information at Ticehurst House
18/05/2021 We are pleased to inform members that the small pond at Ticehurst House that has been very overgrown for some time has now been cleared with a number of swims now available. Thanks are due to our chairman and committee member Richard Mayes for the work they have done there.
We have received notification from Ticehurst House that someone, possibly not a member, has used the parking space indicated on the Ticehurst House map on the Members Area of this website in green but has failed to keep the gate shut. We are aware that the parking area can be very slippery and we are hoping to address this matter but would members using the parking area please ensure that they close the gate whilst they are there and again when they leave.
In the past members have asked questions about parking arrangements for Ticehurst House so we have added some further information on the Members Area of this website that can be used in conjunction with the map.
Parking for RFA waters update
We have emailed out information on new parking arrangements for members when fishing the RFA’s waters. For those not yet added on our emailing list please visit the Members Area page for details.
Parking update for Burrswood Bottom Lake
10/04/2021. What was the disabled parking area is now available to all members. With immediate affect members are requested to park in the car park at the Bottom Lake whenever possible and only park outside around the Green if there is no room in the car park, and then preferably across the Green and not in Bird in Hand Street.
Would members please disregard the parking instructions for the car park at the Bottom Lake in the 2021/22 Membership Card as these are now superseded. Work will be commencing soon to extend the car parking area at the Bottom Lake so that more vehicles are able to park near the lake.
The parking instructions for the Top Lake that were emailed out to members recently remain the same. There is also a notice at the lake with instructions regarding parking for the Top Lake.
Would members please now visit the Members Area where the maps for Burrswood have been updated.
DAAC Risk & Safety Assessment Statement update
18/03/2021 Would DAAC members please note that the Risk & Safety Assessment Statement has been updated. The amendment refers to the risk of falling trees in and around the car parking area at the Burrswood Bottom lake.
17/03/2021 The Rother Fisheries Association have advised all member clubs of an incident that took place recently on the RFA’s waters. Tim the RFA bailiff was assaulted by two individuals he challenged. The incident is being investigated but we would ask members and members of the public reading this to keep an eye out for a silver Seat vehicle with a Polish number plate and the Seat badge missing from the bonnet as these people could also be operating in our area.. Obviously don’t challenge anyone with the vehicle but report the sighting to the Police.
Eridge Stream Project article
15/03/2021 An article was published in the Countryman’s Weekly last Wednesday and can now be viewed via the following link,
The DAAC have joined the Wild Trout Trust.
17/02/2021 Following their help and excellent work on the Eridge Stream the committee decided that joining the Wild Trout Trust could be beneficial. to the club. The DAAC’s details will now be included on the WTT’s website. We have also received a useful Trout length/ weight card pdf file that those fishing our river sections may find useful. Also included is a catch and release guide. Click on the link below and then click on the image, this will bring up the pdf that you can then print off.
Update to insurance and good news for Junior Members 13 and over fishing on their own.
09/02/2021 We have been informed that the club’s insurance policy with respect to Junior Members fishing alone has changed. The change means that Junior Members aged 13 years and over are covered by the club’s policy when fishing alone. Previously only Juniors 16 years of age and over were covered. As per DAAC Rules Juniors under 13’s must be accompanied by an adult.
Burrswood to remain open.
19/01/2021 The committee have agreed that there will be no closure of Burrswood this year and the lakes will remain open during March and April, so long as there is no further restrictions placed on angling by the Government. This move has been made to acknowledge the benefits to health and wellbeing angling brings our members during these difficult times.
RFA page updated
17/12/2020 New maps are now available for all RFA waters on the RFA page of this website. The RFA’s own website has also been updated and further information on the waters can be found there.
Update on dangerous trees at Burrswood
15/11/2020 Further to our previous report on the 27 October the tree mentioned in peg 7 came down into the lake in last night’s high winds. Would all members continue to take care when fishing the Bottom Lake. We are now in discussion about dangerous trees with the company managing the estate for Martin Homes.
How Lucky Was That!
25/10/2020 When the Eridge Stream Project started last Monday the stream’s level was 0.16 meters. At 12.45am this morning the gauging weir at Hendal Bridge recorded a height of 1.95 meters, this is 0.7 meters above where flooding is expected. The highest level ever recorded is 2.37 meters. With further rain forecast for this week we were extremely lucky to have finished the job.
More pictures of the work being undertaken have now come in and at first it was thought that the Wild Trout Trust had brought along Timmy Mallett to help but it turned out that it was actually DAAC chairman Martin Simmons (with a mallet) helping committee member Richard Mayes.
Habitat improvement work completed
23/10/2020 Installation of the four gravel spawning glides was completed today despite the stream rising several feet yesterday due to heavy rainfall over night. The project also came in under the EA’s budget. The EA have now invited local MP and club vice president Nus Ghani to visit the site, the visit should take place early in November. Photos below show two of the completed gravel spawning glides and EA Fishery Officer Andrew Brough inspecting one of them.
Habitat improvement on the Eridge Stream
22/10/2020 Work on the installation of four gravel beds on our stretch of the stream started last Monday. Club members assisted a team from the Wild Trout Trust in preparing the stream for the introduction of gravel that commenced yesterday and will have been completed hopefully tomorrow. The photo below shows two of the Wild Trout Trust team doing preparatory work with club Chairman Martin Simmons (centre).
Useful app for DAAC members and those out and about in the countryside
16/09/2020 We would recommend that DAAC members, or anyone else out and about in the countryside, have the app ‘what3words’ downloaded on their mobile phones. This app will pinpoint your location to within a square metre anywhere in the world. The app can be used to advise the Police of poaching incidents and other rural crimes. It can also help emergency services to locate accidents etc. For further information or to download this app go to the following link.
News page on RFA website
15/09/2020 If members wish to obtain news about what’s going on with Rother Fishery Association, an additional page has now been added to their new website. You can access the news webpage via the RFA website or by using the link below.
RFA Report
13/09/2020 Members fishing or considering fishing the RFA’s waters may be interested in the following report received from the RFA’s Steve Crowley today.
Rother Fishery Association Report
Perch Record
13/09/2020 We can now confirm that one of Colin Murrells Perch has been accepted as a new club record. The fish weighed 3lb 7oz beating the previous record of 3lb 4oz recorded way back in 1966. Congratulations to Colin. Both junior and senior Perch records have now been broken in the last couple of years and both fish came from the Top Lake at Burrswood.
Fish catch update
07/09/2020 It now appears that two Perch have been caught at the Top Lake, Burrswood by Colin Murrells that were heavier than the present club record, the committee are currently verifying this. Double figure Carp have been reported regularly from the Bottom Lake, Burrswood and may indicate that the weight of the Carp in this lake is increasing. Fishing the Medway and Eridge Stream to say the least is challenging but this only makes catching of good fish more pleasurable. Those who have fished the rivers have reported catching good fish. On the Eridge Stream a Trout of 1lb 10oz has been caught as well as a 1lb Dace by the same member. Chub between 3 and 4 lb have been reported by several members plus a number of Perch over 1lb. What is interesting is that 3 Jack Pike have also been caught, the first time that Pike have been recorded in the stream for many years.
Eridge Stream Project
24/07/2020 A site meeting took place on the 20 July involving representatives of the club, landowner and Andy Thomas of the Wild Trout Trust who wrote the WTT report and will be heading the project on behalf of the EA. The siting of the four gravel beds was finalised. There will be three installed between Hendal and Ham Bridges and one upstream of Hendal Bridge.
The EA will be arranging for fish surveys to take place on the stream next year, one between Hendal and Ham bridges and one above Hendal Bridge. To our knowledge these will be the first fish surveys that have taken place on the DAAC’s stretch of the stream, previous surveys having taken place further upstream.
Potential new Perch record
17/07/2020 Our current Perch record was recorded a very long time ago in 1966 when Alec Damper caught a 3lb 4oz fish from the Bottom Lake at Buckhurst Park. We now believe that this may have been broken. We are awaiting further information but a Perch well over 4lb has been rumoured to have been caught and we may have to update our club records.
Important Advice for members
14/07/2020 In a previous post it was mentioned how important it is to look after the welfare of our fish. Would members now visit the Members Area of the website to view further information also posted today.
12/07/2020 We would remind members of Rule 9 (c) regarding litter. Our Chairman recently found a number of pieces of litter clearly left by anglers at Ticehurst House.
Membership closed for new members.
12/07/2020 Due to a number of contributory factors the committee have made the decision to close membership to new members for 2020/21. It was felt that the membership numbers had reached a level where to accept more would have been detrimental to the pleasure of fishing our waters existing members experience. Another factor is the Covid-19 crisis where controlling the numbers fishing is important. Also, Renhurst Farm Lake is not fishing well, despite the introduction of a considerable number of fish by the Club and Environment Agency. The Environment Agency were called in earlier this year and were to net the lake and take water samples to see what the problem was in April. Regrettably, due to the Covid-19 crisis this is now unlikely to take place until next year.
Eridge Stream Project
26/06/2020 The landowner has now given permission for the project to proceed. The Environment Agency anticipate that the first stage of the project costing an estimated £20k will commence in September. A small club like the DAAC obtaining this amount of funding, and this is just for the first stage of the project, is no mean achievement.
DAAC Vice President Nus Ghani MP, who together with Vice President Greg Clark MP have helped the Club, with their concerns for the Eridge Stream by highlighting the problem at the highest level within the Environment Agency, will be visiting the site sometime in the near future.
20/06/2020 Several Carp running into double figures have been reported being caught from the Bottom Lake. A Carp of 14lb has also been reported from Ticehurst House. We would remind members of new Rule 20 regarding unhooking mats and rigs, these fish are precious and we need to look after them, to replace one Carp weighing 14lb would cost the club close to £250!
The Greater Spotted Woodpeckers have now flown but both parents and young can still be seen flying around the Bottom Lake. Deer have been seen visiting the Bottom Lake regularly. The picture below of a Deer at peg 25 was taken on the 19 June.
Eridge Stream Project
08/06/2020 The Wild Trout Trust report has now been received via the EA. At the time of writing we are awaiting the landowners approval for the go ahead of proposed habit improvement work. Members wishing to read the report will find it available to view on the Members Area of this website.
Change of Match Venue
Would members please note that the match scheduled to be held at Renhurst farm on the 2nd August will now be fished at Fairlight. Contact Richard Mayes if you wish to take part as places have to be booked and there are only 2 places left.
Ornithologist’s Paradise
03/06/2020 Anyone fishing Burrswood recognises what a wonderful place it is to fish but take the fishing away and you’re left with an incredible place to observe nature, particularly birds. Bird song is particularly noticeable now that there is a reduction in aircraft going into Gatwick and the sight that’s greeted members fishing peg21 of nesting Greater Spotted Woodpeckers has been quite special. The usual resident birds, Kingfisher, Heron, Tree Creeper, Grey Wagtail, Buzzard etc. are also evident if you look up from viewing your float from time to time. Photo below taken by James Grose/
Matches due to start again
30/05/2020 All Wednesday matches will be held on Burrswood Bottom Lake starting from 10th June. Sunday matches will start on 7th June as per match list. Matches will be run taking into consideration the latest Covid-19 guidelines.
http://Best Practice Guidelines for Coarse Competitions under COVID-19
Fishing at Burrswood to continue
17/05/2020 The sale of Burrswood completes on the 20 May. We have been in contact with the new owner and are delighted that the club will be able to continue fishing at Burrswood for the foreseeable future.
At last we can fish again!
We are pleased to advise members, and prospective members, that all DAAC waters will be open from Wednesday 13 May. Please ensure you familiarise yourself with the rule changes made at this year’s AGM before you fish and that you have renewed both your EA Rod License and membership. Please also adhere to the Angling Trust’s proposals that have been instrumental in getting us back fishing (see entry 18/04/2020 for link).
For an update on Burrswood members can visit the Members Area of this website.
Members can also fish at Claygate Lakes for the first time from 7.00am on the 13 May. Would members please note that if you fish this venue the management have asked that you take hand sanitiser and toilet paper. It will also be your responsibility to take any rubbish home with you.
At long last may we wish all our members “tight lines”.
Getting back fishing
30/04/2020 Following the Angling Trust’s submission of proposals to the Government to get anglers back fishing, Vice-Presidents Nus Ghani MP and Greg Clark MP were contacted and asked if they would support the proposals on the club’s behalf. Yesterday we received notification from both of them to say they were whole heartedly supporting the proposals. As each day passes we are getting closer to getting back on the bank. When this happens be prepared to follow the social distancing and other measures that the Government will be applying. Now’s the time to make sure you tackle is ready to go, ensure you’ve got a current Rod License and most importantly make sure you have your 2020/21 Dorset Arms Angling Club membership card.
Are we going to get back fishing soon?
28/04/2020 Yesterday the Angling Trust put forward their proposals for getting us back fishing to the Government. By clicking on the link below you will be able to see the details of their proposals.
Latest update from the Angling Trust
21/04/2020 We have been in contact with Nick Simmons, Membership Manager at the Angling Trust again to see if the Angling Trust has any further news as to when fishing will resume again. Currently the situation is that fishing is still not permitted however he did report the following.
“The Angling Trust is working on a set of guidelines for recreational fishing that we will be putting to ministers, once the virus has peaked, that could be applied when relaxing the rules to allow certain, largely solitary activities to resume. We will publish these in due course”.
Donation to help the fight against Coronavirus
18/04/2020 Today the club has made a donation to a group of ladies based in Groombridge who are making scrubs for the NHS, these are for our local hospitals and doctor’s surgeries. I’m sure members will agree that this as a very worthy cause in these unprecedented times. If anyone reading this wishes to make their own donation there is a link below.
15/04/ 2020 For the latest news on Burrswood would members please refer to the Members Area.
2020 AGM Report/Working Party Dates
17/03/2020 The Government measures announcement yesterday were too late to call off our AGM. For those who didn’t attend the following points should be noted.
It was agreed to drop Weirwood Reservoir from the club’s list of waters. This decision was made on the grounds of cost and lack of access to the fishing compared with past years.
Members should note the addition to Rule 17 and especially new Rule 20.
Unfortunately our speaker from the EA was unable to attend. We are hoping that we can arrange the presentation on the Eridge Stream project at a later date but of course in the current climate we are unsure when this will be.
There are no changes to subscriptions for 2020/21.
We are hoping to add at least one other venue to or list of waters available to members shortly.
To get ready for the start of the new season and EA netting assesment that will take place next month, we will be holding a working party at Renhurst Farm this coming Sunday March the 22nd commencing around 9.00am.
There will be a working party at Burrswood on Sunday the 26th April, again commencing around 9.00pm.
Please come along to these working parties if you can.
Medway Catchment Invasive Non- Native Species Workshop
04/03/2020 A representative of the club attended a workshop at Hadlow College last week run by the Medway Valley Countryside Partnership. The workshop covered both invasive plants and animals. Of most concern to the DAAC are Himalayan Balsam, Japanese Knotweed, Giant Hogweed, Mink and Signal Crayfish, all of which we know are in or close to some of our waters but other species may find their way into our waters at some point. We would ask our members and anyone else reading this to keep an eye out for anything they think may be non-native and invasive and report it. You may find the following links helpful.
Below is information on how to report burrowing activity by both invasive and non-invasive species,
2020/21 Match List
01/03/2020 The 2020/21 Match List is now available for viewing via the Match List page of this website. The match dates will also be listed on the 2020/21 Membership Card when available at the end of March.
Rother Fisheries Association
03/02/2020 Would members please note that the RFA maps have been updated for 2020. The updated maps can be viewed by going to the Rother Fisheries page on this website.
Eridge Stream/AGM speaker news
24/01/2020 The Environment Agency/Wild Trout Trust survey of the Eridge Stream that was supposed to take place at the end of November had to be cancelled but eventually took place on the 7 January. The club are now awaiting the results of the survey but we have been informed by the EA that the DAAC’s section of the stream will be the subject of a habitat improvement project. As a result our guest speaker at the 2020 AGM will be Andrew Brough from the EA who will explain details of the project to members present so please come along, what he has to say should be very interesting.
Recent Rainfall
21/12/2019 Obviously recent rainfall has affected our waters. Yesterday Burrswood Bottom Lake was brimming with water flowing over the bank around peg 22. This usually occurs when there is a combination of rain and leaves blocking the outlet pipe but yesterday the situation was caused purely by the volume of water flowing into the lake.
The photo below was taken around mid-day yesterday. It was taken at Hendal Bridge on the Eridge Stream where the bank had been breached. The volume of water has completely hidden the weir although the top railings at the edge of the weir can just about be seen. Yesterday’s river level at Hendal was close to the highest previously recorded and with further rain forecast today we could see a new record. Thankfully since the current bridge and weir were built in the early 1970’s there has been no serious flooding of the road.
2020 Annual General Meeting
16/11/2019 The Dorset Arms Angling Club’s 2020 AGM will be held at the Junction Inn, Groombridge on the 16 March 2010 at 8.00pm. The agenda for the meeting will be forwarded to members in late February together with their membership renewal forms. It is hoped that some interesting developments will be revealed at the meeting and once again we hope to have a guest speaker.
Warren Shield
09/09/2019 England may have lost the Ashes yesterday but the DAAC’s own “Ashes”, our annual match fished against Crowborough and District Anglers Association at Orchard Farm, was won by the DAAC thanks in part to the expertise of Life Members Guy Tasker and Colin Vickery as well as our Chairman Martin Simmons who respectively returned the DAAC’s top weights. The DAAC’s winning weight was 55lb 2oz, just over 3lb more than CDAA’s. Congratulations to all those in our winning team.
Close Season on Rivers and Canals
21/08/2019 It has been announced this week that the Close Season on rivers and canals will remain.
Club Rules
Would members please visit the Members Area of this website as there is an important message relating to the Rules.
Chris Harris
29/05/2019 It is with great sadness that we have to notify members that committee member Chris Harris passed away yesterday. Chris had been a DAAC member for a number of years. Our thoughts are with his family at this difficult time.
Rother Fisheries Association
23/05/2019 A reminder to members and those contemplating joining the DAAC that membership allows members to fish all the waters on the River Rother and Royal Military Canal controlled by the RFA. Being a member of an affiliated club is the only way available to fish all the RFA waters.
The RFA have a new website that will provide all the information on their waters.
Updated information
27/04/2019 IMPORTANT : Would members please visit the Members Area regularly for updated information on the Club’s waters. The password can be found on your Membership Card.
Bait Dispensation
Once again the DAAC have been granted a bait dispensation by the Environment Agency for the Medway at Hartfield and the Club’s stretches of the Eridge Steam.
The Countryman’s Weekly Article
The whole article that was published can be viewed by following the link below and clicking on the image of the article.
Page18 Countryman’s Weekly 27-3-2019
Anyone wanting to know more about the Countryman’s Weekly please go to the following.
The Countryman’s Weekly
A short time ago the club were asked if it was interested in submitting an article about the Club to the Countryman’s Weekly. An article was submitted and approved for publication. It will be in the March 27 edition of the paper.
2019/20 Match List
We’re really ahead of the game as Richard Mayes has already completed all the dates and venues for the 2019/20 Sunday and Wednesday matches. The full list can be found by visiting the Match Fixtures page on this site and will also be listed on the 2019/20 Membership Card & Rulebook available after our AGM next March.
WE are a small friendly club and anyone interested in participating in our matches can do so by joining and new members are always welcome. Details of how to join can be found on this website.
Mink menace
Over the past few months there have been reports of Mink activity at Burrswood. An approved Mink trap was acquired by Andy our Membership Secretary and we are pleased to report that recently two Mink have been trapped and humanely despatched in accordance with Government guidelines. Our thanks to Andy for overseeing this operation as the trap needed to be checked regularly. If any of our members see Mink could they please let a member of the committee know as they are an invasive species that have a large impact on native species.
Angling Trust Enforcement Workshop
The Chairman & Secretary attended an Enforcement Workshop run by the Angling Trust at Turners Hill on the 20 October. Presentations were given by the Angling Trust, Environment Agency, CEFAS and the Police.
Confirmation of Vice Presidency acceptance
Following the visit to Burrswood of Greg Clark MP and his son Peter we are delighted to announce that we have received notification from Greg that he would be only too pleased to become an Honorary Vice President. We are most grateful to Greg for accepting and offering any help to the club he can.
Ticehurst House visit by Huw Merriman MP
Today we were visited by Huw Merriman MP and our Chairman Martin Simmons and myself (Secretary) spent about an hour chatting to Huw and his Constituency Manager about the club, its objectives and problems. Although invited to become a Vice President Huw has declined the offer as personally he prefers not to add his name to too many letter headings. He has however offered his support with any issues we may have and we are extremely pleased that he has offered to support us in this way, the meeting was very constructive and helpful.
Burrswood visit by Greg Clark MP
Greg Clark MP for Tunbridge Wells visited Burrswood for two hours today with his son Peter and was met by Derek Cook our President and yours truly (Hon Secretary). Peter, not having fished before, was interested in having ago and caught Roach, Skimmers, Cruscians and a Tench, thoroughly enjoying the experience. The picture below is of Peter and yours truly with one of the Cruscians he caught.
Greg showed considerable interest in the club and how we operate and has offered us assistance should the need arise for which we thank him.
Burrswood Tench
Now the season at Burrswood is well under way we are pleased to report that our members are catching the small Tench the club purchased. Lets hope that they have settled into their new home and that they grow on and breed. I’m sure all our members would like to see a good head of Tench back in the lake.
Burrswood out of season
07/04/2018 (Secretary’s observations)
There is no doubt that most of our members find Burrswood an idyllic and beautiful place to fish during the season but it is just as magical out of season if one takes time out to walk along the drive to the Top Lake. The bird life is extensive and on recent visits I have seen Green Woodpeckers, Greater Spotted Woodpeckers, Tree Creepers, Little Egret, Grey Wagtail as well as all the more common birds that at this location include the Kingfisher. The strange thing is I have not seen the Heron at the Bottom Lake or on the bank of the Grom that can be seen from the drive, on one occasion last year I counted 5 in a line along the bank of the Grom. Perhaps the Heron observes our close season! The daffodils are in full bloom now as are the White and Purple Snakes Head Fritillary that grow along the banks. King Cups are just coming into bloom at the Top Lake and the water’s edge near the drive has recently been visited by the large number of frogs that spawn there every year.
Newly invited Vice Presidents
03/04/2018. At the recent Annual General Meeting it was agreed that three people should be invited to become Hon Vice Presidents of the Club, these were long standing Life Member Brian Groombridge, Tunbridge Wells MP and Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Greg Clark and Battle and Bexhill MP Huw Merriman. The Club has waters in both MP’s constituencies.
We are pleased to announce that Brian Groombridge has accepted and hopefully we will hear from Greg Clark and Huw Merriman soon.
Annual Withyham Parish Assembly
Having been invited to attend the Club took the opportunity to promote our organisation within the Parish. The Secretary and Membership Secretary were in attendance and although no new members were signed up on the day hopefully the profile of the club has been raised locally.
Junior Perch record broken
Congratulations to 9 year old Barnaby who has beaten the junior Perch record that has stood since 1993, it is also the first club record to have been beaten since 2002. Barnaby’s fish was a superb 2lb 6oz specimen caught at the Top Lake at Burrswood.
Bert Smith
11/02/2018 It is with deep regret that we have to notify everyone that our President Bert Smith passed away on the 26th January following a long battle with illness. Our thoughts at this sad time are with his family.
Renhurst Farm & Burrswood
19/01/2018 The Perch, Crucians, Tench, Perch and 100 more Bream have been released into Renhurst Farm lake today. 3,000 fish have now been released into the lake in the last 2 months. 100 Tench were also released into Burrswood Bottom Lake
Renhurst Farm Lake
25/11/2017 Next Tuesday the 28th November the Environment Agency will be stocking Renhurst Farm Lake with 500 Rudd, 1,500 Roach and 500 Bream. Within the next few weeks 100 Perch, 100 Crucians, 100 Tench and a further 100 Bream that the Club have purchased will also be introduced into the lake.
Renhurst Farm Lake
19/08/2017 The Environment Agency will be releasing 1,000 Roach & 1,000 Rudd into Renhurst Farm Lake towards the end of the year. These were the fish originally intended for Trevor’s Lake but because of the on going leak and reed growth problem with this lake it has been agreed with the EA that they can be released at Renhurst Farm instead. The fish will be coming from thee EA’s coarse fish rearing unit in Calverton. In addition the club are purchasing 100 x Perch, 100 x Bream, 100 x Crucians and 100 x Tench that will also be released into the lake in October/November this year.
11/08/2017 Unfortunately we have to announce the passing of another long serving Vice President. His Honour Judge John Gower QC passed away on the 04/08/2017 aged 91, our thoughts are with his family.
04/08/2017 We have recently heard the sad news that Rob Medhurst one of our Vice Presidents passed away last month aged 87. Rob had been a Vice President and great supporter of the club since its formation in 1955. He was the last of our original Vice Presidents. Our thoughts are with his wife and family at this difficult time.
The Hartfield stretch of the Upper Medway we fish was owned by Rob. He went into a care home several years ago and we have been able to continue fishing the with permission from his sons Clive and Andy.
Medway fishing report
25/06/2017 This report was received today from new member Andy Somerville. Hopefully such reports will encourage other members to give our river sections a go.
“I’ve just got back from an evening session on the Medway (Hartfield stretch) and caught literally a bucket load of cracking brownies as well as a number of chub and possibly the largest gudgeon I’ve ever seen! All fell to stick-float worm, real commando-style bank fishing!
All fish were in superb condition and water quality seemed very good, despite the recent hot spell.”
DAAC is hoping to provide a photo gallery page, so please email any of your interesting catches to