CLUB RULES FOR ALL WATERS 1. That this Club be called the Dorset Arms Angling Club, Withyham & the annual subscriptions shall be as follows. 2. Seniors £42.00, Juniors under 18 £12.00, OAP’s over 65 £25, Family £57.00 comprising up to 2 Senior & 2 Juniors. An entrance fee of £5.00 for Seniors & £2.00 for Juniors. Membership includes RFA sticker. Subscriptions will be due after the AGM & must be paid by the 1st of June oth- erwise membership will automatically lapse & re-entry must be applied for. 3. All members must have a current Environment Agency licence which together with their Membership Card & Rulebook must be carried at all times when fishing & be shown on demand. 4. That the officers of the club shall be President, Vice Presi- dents, Chairman, Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer, not less than 5 committee members and not more than 12, 6 to make a quorum. 5. These Rules shall not be altered except at the AGM or a Special General Meeting called for that purpose. The AGM date will be notified to members at least 14 days in ad- vance. Any member wishing to alter any rules must give the Hon Secretary written notice prior to the AGM. 6. Anything arising & not provided for by these Rules shall be dealt with by the committee whose decision will be final. 7. All coarse fish to be returned to the water as soon as possi- ble after capture. A days catch of trout to be limited to 1 brace. 8. That no member be allowed to use more than 2 rods when coarse fishing. 9. a) That no game be disturbed. b ) That all gates be kept shut. c ) That no rubbish be left on the banks including unused bait. Every angler shall be responsible for any litter found within 15feet of where ever they happen to be fishing. d ) That members walk on the edge of banks & not crops. e ) That every endeavour be made to prevent any annoyance to owners or tenants by whose kind- ness & courtesy we enjoy our sport. f ) That no radio’s, dogs be allowed. 10. All forms of ground bait to be allowed with a 1Kg max. dried weight per session. No unused bait to be deposited in the lake after fishing. 11. Any fish entered as specimens may be weighed on mem- bers scales providing weight is confirmed by an independ- ent witness, not necessarily a club member & the scales be made available to the committee if requested. The capture of such fish to be recorded in writing by the next committee meeting in order to be eligible. 12. Junior members under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. 13. That no fires should be lit other than working parties. 14. Working parties are no longer compulsory but if you want to attend a working party please ring the Secretary for details. 15. No member shall serve as a or be elected as an official or committee member of the Dorset Arms Angling Club whilst serving as an official or committee member of any other angling club. 16. All complaints must be in writing to the committee. 17. For pike fishing “snap tackle” is banned. 18. Senior members only may purchase a day ticket for a guest angler, BURRSWOOD ONLY. Tickets will cost £5.00 for a senior guest & £2.50 for a junior guest. Guests must be accompanied by the host member. Tickets available to personal callers or by post from: Fred Stillwell, 48 Balls Green, Withyham, East Sussex,TN7 4BU, Tel No 01892 770661 or Guy Tasker, 46 Balls Green, Wityham, East Sus- sex,TN7 4BU, Tel No 01892 770038. 19. Barbless or micro barbed hooks only. Rivers closed from 15th March to 15th June except trout fishing starting from 3rd April ADDITIONAL RULES FOR BURRSWOOD 1. Members to only fish lakes shown on DAAC map. 2. Access to lakes via lower road. No cars to be taken onto Burrswood Estate except when fishing the top lake, cars parked in the CONFERENCE CAR PARK ONLY. 3. No night fishing allowed. 4. CLOSE SEASON 1ST MARCH TO 30TH APRIL. ADDITIONAL RULES FOR TREVOR’S LAKE 1. Members are reminded to contact Trevor prior fishing the lake, indicating when they would like to fish there. 2. Tel no: 01892 864595 Email: COMPETITION RULES 1. That all competitions be controlled by the stewards who have been appointed at the committee meeting prior to the com- petition. 2. The stewards will start and end the competition. 3. The stewards will be responsible for weighing & checking that fish are eligible & their decision will be final. 4. In the event of more than one lake being fished in a competi- tion further stewards will be appointed to cover all waters. 5. The draw for positions will be drawn one hour before the advertised start time. 6. All competitions are to be pegged & competitors must fish peg selected and not move. 7. At all competitions competitors must produce current mem- bership card. 8. Selected matches throughout the season will be chosen to enable competitors to fish for the clubs cups and shields. 9. If the venue for the competitions is unfishable the stew- ards have the right to change the venue to another wa- ter providing a majority of competitors present agree. The competition will be included for competition points. 10. Trophies will be awarded to the overall winner of both Sunday and Wednesday League competitions. INTER-CLUB COMPETITION RULES 1. Inter-club competition teams to be selected by the Match Secretary.